Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Avocado Nutrition and The Benefits of Avocado

Avocado fruit is a plant native to Mexico, Central America, and spread in Indonesia in the 19th century Fruit Avocados are one of the fruits that have a lot of nutritional avocado and versatile functions. The seeds for example, can be used for dyes that are not easily washed in the garment industry. The trunk can be used as firewood. Her skin also can be used to dye brown for products from leather. The most important of the benefits of avocado that is the delicious fruit and can also be used as an ingredient in cosmetics, beauty and health. 
Nutritional content Avocados :
  • The number of fruit Avocado studied (Food Weight) = 100 gr 
  • Avocado fruit parts that can be consumed (BDD / Food Edible) = 61%
  • Total Energy Ingredients Fruit Avocados = 85 kcal
  • Total Protein Content of Fruit Avocados = 0.9 gr
  • Total Fat Content of Fruit Avocados = 6.5 gr
  • Total Carbohydrate Content of Fruit Avocados = 7.7 gr
  • Total Calcium Fruit Avocados = 10 mg
  • Total Phosphorus Content of Fruit Avocados = 20 mg
  • Total Content Iron Fruit Avocados = 1 mg
  • The amount of Vitamin A Fruit Avocados = 180 IU
  • Total Vitamin B1 Fruit Avocados = 0.05 mg
  • The amount of Vitamin C Fruit Avocados = 13 mg

1. ProteinThe body requires 18 essential amino acids that are used in forming a complete protein and the good news is already available in all of the avocado. Avocado protein in contrast to the type of protein present in meat because proteins present in the avocado is very easily digested and absorbed by the body as in avocados also include fiber. Nutrition avocado can be the best solution for those who are doing the diet with reduced protein from animal sources and also for vegetarians who want to increase the amount of protein.

2. Fat helpfulHealthy fats found in avocados are very useful and needed by your body. as well as olive oil, avocado turns can also raise levels of good cholesterol or HDL. The function of the HDL cholesterol is to protect some of the damage caused by free radicals. Even more surprising that this type of cholesterol can help prevent diabetes and regulate the levels of triglycerides. Research from the Canadian Medical Association Journal revealed levels of bad cholesterol or LDL fat can be reduced with the vegetarian diet in which there HDL fats.

3. CarotenoidsAvocados also produce carotenoids and phytonutrients. Avocado famous for various types of carotenoids are offered, such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and lutein and also various kinds of types of phytonutrients like zeaxanthin, neoxanthin, neochrome, chrysanthemaxanthin, violaxanthin and beta cryptoxanthin.

Those are some of the avocado nutrition that we may collect from a variety of print media, hopefully with the completion of this article can provide many benefits for us all.

10 Benefits of Apples That We Must Know

Benefits of Apples. Apple Or Malus domestica is a fruit that originally comes from Central Asia, but along with the development of apples is now spread evenly throughout the World. Apple is a fruit that is synonymous with the fruit skin color is red. Almost everyone would already be familiar with the moon shape and taste of the apple itself. Because apples are classified into types of fruit, the apple contains a variety of nutrients and vitamins are very essential to improve the quality of health.

10 Benefits of Apples ;

1. Apples Can Prevent Cancer

Researchers from the American Association for Cancer Research have agreed to give a statement that the consumption of flavonoid found in apples very much at all which can help lower the risk of pancreatic cancer to 23%.
Besides the apple skin itself is contained triterpenoids flavonoids compounds that help complement performance in Preventing the growth of cancer cells in the body, this potential has been Recognized by Researchers from Cornell University. So do not ever if you do not eat only eat peeled apples with the skin, wash with a record first before eating the apple with the skin. To prevent cancer attacks the body to start from now the consumption of at least 1-2 apples fruit each day.

2. Maintaining healthy teeth

By eating regularly, apples can stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth. So as to Prevent the loss of teeth and can keep your teeth healthy.

3. Prevent dehydration

Apples can be useful to prevent dehydration of the body. 85% content of apples is composed of water. By eating apples, you can avoid dehydration.

4. Preventing heart attacks and high blood pressure

Apples can be beneficial for preventing heart disease and can lower blood pressure. This is because apples can prevent cholesterol in the body.

5. Counteract free radicals

In the apple skin can produce a substance called quercetin. Quercetin substance is a substance that serves to counteract free radical attack and can also be used to fight premature aging.

6. Prevent diarrhea and constipation

Benefits apples can also be to prevent diseases of the digestive system such as diarrhea and constipation. The fiber content in apples are high is able to help the digestive system. So as to overcome digestive system disorders such as diarrhea or constipation.

7. Preventing diabetes

It's because, apple skin contains phenolic compounds. For that suggested, for the first wash with running water, before you eat apples with the skin.

8. Enhance the immune system

The content of antioxidants in apples called quercetin may be helpful to improve the body's immune system, so that a person is not susceptible to illnesses, especially during inclement weather.

8. The vision clearer

By regularly consuming apple every day can play a major role for preventing a variety of health problems one eye cataracts.

9. Eliminate Eye Bags

To get rid of eye bags with apples way 1 seed download apple washing with clean then Thinly slice and paste it on your eyes to cover your eyelids. Or, for maximum results you add 4 teaspoons of grated potato juice with a musty, fusty way of the juice and grated potatoes before you paste it in the eyes of the thin cloth pads give advance that has been soaked in warm water and leave a few menitan kira2 15-25 minutes before you sleep.

10. Mengtasi Acne skin, sagging and Greasy

By way of providing 2 fresh apple fruit then blend until smooth like porridge then add 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar and a mask on the face evenly, let stand a few minutes until dry and then rinse thoroughly.

That is a fraction of the benefits of apples which we describe in this article and hopefully can help in maintaining health and a healthy lifestyle with healthy food.

Get Health Foods for Breakfast Europe

This is some of the breakfast menu Europeans are the best in the area, it is a nice thing to know a wide variety of dishes throughout the world. Starting from breakfast until dinner. Starting from the dish for New Year events in each country until the wedding in every culture. Therefore, health foods Information keen to update the breakfast menu of Europeans.
  • Menu Breakfast Poles 
Known by locals as Jajecznica, a traditional Polish dish breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs covered with slices of Kiel bases are made according to taste and combined with two potato pancakes.
  • The Spanish Breakfast Menu 
Pan a la Catalana, or Pan con Tomate, in Spain is a simple but delicious dish. Just massage, massage piece of bread with fresh garlic and a bit of ripe tomatoes, then sprinkle with olive oil and salt jaitun. Add cheese on top, ham or sausage for extra bite.
  • Menu Breakfast Swede 
This dish often involves Swedish pancakes, known as Pannkakor. This dish is a thin flat cake made of batter and fried on both sides - more or less like a crepe. Usually served with sweet fruits contents.
  • Menu Breakfast People Iceland 
Healthy breakfast and morning heat to dissipate the dark and icy is what is needed here. Hafragrautur or oatmeal, served with a little brown sugar with raisins or nuts on it perfect.
  • The English Breakfast Menu 
This dish consists of beans, sausage, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, and toast. Of course, this dish can be equipped with a cup of tea and black pudding also may be an option.

That's the breakfast menu and a healthy meal served by Health Foods Information from several regions in Europe.

Sounce : Media Health Information

Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

Understanding of Healthy Foods

Healthy foods are foods that can meet your daily nutritional needs.

Every individual has different nutritional needs. So each individual should know how the nutritional needs of the body are needed every day.

In large countries, especially major cities, citizens are lucky can still enjoy a lot of variety of food, from cheap to expensive, from which a trader feet five to five-star hotels of the regional cuisine, national cuisine to international cuisine.

Consuming unhealthy foods will cause various diseases appear, because nearly 90% of disease is caused by a mistake in choosing foods, among others, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, and even cancer.

Diseases due to improper food choices should be a serious concern, not only for the upper class or the rich, but also be aware of all walks of life, including among the poor, because health is the needs of all individuals.

Here we will share information that is healthy food and how to choose foods that are not only tasty but healthy Also on the tongue for your body, and Also will discuss how diet is right, that will not harm the culprit.

Lately a lot of people offering drugs or supplements known as a healthy food, they offer a variety of ways, from marketing online or offline along with the lure of lucrative for healthy, a lot of people taking the drug regardless out how to actually living healthy by choosing foods that are good and right.

In addition, many people who want to lose weight instantly, especially when faced with a wedding or a certain event that recommended to look slim, and they are taking drugs slimming and diet extra tight without consulting a doctor with the consequent disruption to the possible health will suffer if taking the drug, because each person has a different response to drugs.

So it is advisable to consult the experts before you feel the impact of the poor as well as smart to choose healthy foods.

We conclude this article and hopefully and intelligently make decisions on your life. Healthy you are in your own hands.